Senior Design Team sdmay21-15 • Debugger and Visualizer for a Shared Sense of Time on Batteryless Sensor Networks

Our project is a pair of software tools (a simulator and a visualizer) for debugging the shared sense of time across a network of batteryless sensors.


The simulator models and records time estimates across a network over time. The simulator establishes a simulated sensor network with several nodes that keep a local sense of time. The nodes will cycle between several states (OFF, BOOT, ON) and attempt to track time using a persistent clock when the node is off. These nodes will also communicate with neighboring nodes (when on) to try to maintain the actual system time by sharing their local times. The simulator will relay the events in the simulated network to the visualizer. These events include node state transitions and node communication.


The visualization dashboard utilizes data from simulations to visualize changes and analyze the interconnections between individual nodes. The visualizer consists of two components: a frontend and a backend. The backend will receive data from the simulator via a trace file that is fed through the frontend. Then, it will process the data, store it, and send it to the frontend to be displayed for the user. The frontend receives the data and formats it into useful views for debugging. These views are referred to as panels and include a model of the sensor network, information about each node's sense of time, an error tree showing the propagation of error, and an error line graph.

System overview: